Jackfruit in Uganda: PKU with No Limits
Marketa Rysava has arrived in Uganda! As part of her volunteer work for Girl Power Uganda, this globe-trotting PKUer visited Community Transformation Foundation Network (COTFONE), a nonprofit that works with vulnerable children in the Lwengo district of Uganda. COTFONE works with children who are orphans, or disabled, or disadvantaged. She went on to the Girl Power Uganda headquarters.

Cambrooke is co-sponsoring Marketa’s journey, supplying her with Glytactin Build 20/20, Glytactin BetterMilk Lite, and Glytactin Complete 15 Peanut Butter bars as well as low-protein foods including Cinnamon Hot Cereal, Instant Noodle Soup, Eggz, and MixQuick.
One of Marketa’s projects is to work with demonstration food gardens at the Girl Power Foundation headquarters and at four schools — gardens supported by both Girl Power and Slow Food Uganda, with seeds donated by the Sustainable Living Foundation (SULIFO). The schools use the food they grow in these gardens to feed the children lunch or to sell to earn money for the school. The demonstration garden at the headquarters serves local girls and young women who are not in school — due to poverty, early marriage, or other factors. These girls and women plant food at the headquarters garden to feed their families or earn income.

Along the way, Marketa encountered a fresh jackfruit – which so many low protein cooks know from recipes for barbecued pulled jackfruit sandwiches.

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