A Child Feels Better By Feeling Included

We posted a request recently on our Cambrooke Facebook page asking for stories from people about what, exactly, “feeling better” means to them. We got one post that stopped us in our tracks. We just had to share. "Ash N John Bricker" (Facebook name) posted the following in response: “It means my son will be able to go through a lunch line just like any other kid (Cambrooke's lunch program), he can have a large variety of low protein (low leucine), high calorie food...


The Effects Of Metabolic Balance In The PKU Brain

Helping people to feel balanced, feel better, and then make the most of their lives is what truly drives everyone here at Cambrooke. But there’s another side to “balance” we’re going to focus on today, and that is metabolic balance. If you are living with PKU you know that the act of eating food is not only about satisfying your hunger, as it is with others. The act of eating with PKU requires a very conscious approach to food consumption because...

Lynn Cam Brooke Paolella

10 Things No One Ever Told You About Being a PKU Mom

-- An interview with Lynn Paolella, Founder of Cambrooke Therapeutics and the loving mother of two PKU’ers. For all the Moms out there who just got the diagnosis, or recently became familiar with PKU, Lynn herself can never forget the day when she first got the diagnosis of her newly born son, Cameron, with PKU. It was one of the most intense and shocking days of her life, she had never heard about PKU and had the most natural reaction to...