Cooking with your kid: meet Katie M, Low Protein Mom

Katie M is an inspired cook and the mother of a kid on a low-protein diet. We spotted her delicious creations on Instagram and asked her to share some of her experiences and recipes. I’m Katie, a low protein mama to an 11 year old daughter with an extremely rare metabolic disorder. My daughter Bella was born in 2006 when newborn screenings in California were widely expanded to test for an array of genetic conditions. Her screening showed an abnormality and...


Jackfruit in Uganda: PKU with No Limits

Marketa Rysava has arrived in Uganda! As part of her volunteer work for Girl Power Uganda, this globe-trotting PKUer visited Community Transformation Foundation Network (COTFONE), a nonprofit that works with vulnerable children in the Lwengo district of Uganda. COTFONE works with children who are orphans, or disabled, or disadvantaged. She went on to the Girl Power Uganda headquarters. Left to right: Marketa, Flavia (Girl Power Uganda) and fellow volunteer Felicia at the Girl Power Foundation headquarters Cambrooke is co-sponsoring Marketa’s journey, supplying...


No Limits PKU: Marketa Rysava’s Journey

Marketa Rysava is a PKUer who has traveled the world – and she’s about to start a new journey to Uganda. Marketa will be volunteering with the Girl Power Foundation, a group dedicated to empowering young girls by providing them with young female role models and building strong self-esteem… all while staying on-diet. At the Girl Power Foundation site where Marketa will be working, girls get an education. They also get a chance to earn money by recycling discarded materials into...