Glytactin Swirl Custard Fruit Tart

Glytactin Swirl Custard Fruit Tart

CATEGORY   Glytactin, Dessert

SERVING SIZE    190 g   ( 1 tart )
  • 1 oz (28g) Cambrooke Sugar Cookie Dough
  • 1 packet Glytactin Swirl
  • 3 oz water
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  • In a miniature tart pan with removable bottom, place cookie dough in the tart pan and press it up the sides, making sure the layer on the bottom is even.
  • Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, until crust is golden.
  • Cool and fill with Swirl, which has been prepared according to package instructions.
  • SUGGESTIONS: Decorate with your favorite fruits and lightly brush with a glaze of heated peach or apricot preserves.
  • NOTE: Delivers 15g of protein equivalent from Swirl.
Per Recipe Per Serving
Phe, mg 27 27
Leu, mg 2790 2790
Protein, g 0.1 0.1
Protein Equivalent, g 15 15
Calories 430 430
Glytactin Swirl Custard Fruit Tart